Vacuum Resources

My Equipment Sucks*

*when it's working right!

Vacuum Technology Equipment Manufacturer/Vendor Web Sites:

The following list of vacuum technology equipment manufacturer or vender web sites is by no means exhaustive, but it should provide a start. Paper catalogs to many of these venders are available in my office.

Online Documentation

The online documentation project can be found here. It is currently domain restricted to * IP addresses. If you need to access it offline, please contact me for a copy on CD. A few days notice is appreciated, as I generate them on demand. This ensure freshness!

Recommended Reading for Experimental Nuclear Graduate Students

Information Sheets:

The following topics are intended. As I get time, I'll be preparing them and making them available either as HTML documents accessible by links or as text documents available by FTP to NUCALF. Please feel free to recommend a topic.

Vacuum Technology Education Links:

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Last Updated: 25 APR 2007 Links Last Checked: 17 March 2005
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